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My name is omar

I like to keep my self busy doing coding & love to do math,secrifice,compromise and addjust. I don't have an amazing figure or a flat stomach. I'm far from being considered a model,but I am me. I eat food. I have curves. I have more fat than I should. I have scars because I have a history. Some people love me,some like me,some hate me. I have done good. I have done bad. I love my PJ's . I'm random and crazy. I don't pretend to be someone I'm not. I am who I am,you can love me or not. I won't change! And if I love you, I do it with all my heart!! I make no apologies for the way I am. I dare you to put this on your status if your proud of who you are !

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omar's picture
omar's picture

My Dream is To become a Webdeveloper!

As a young child, my dream occupation was to dig up dinosaurs. As I grew older and my interests changed, my dream profession changed also. Although most of these dreams were not very long lived, one occupational dream has outlasted all others, and has finally emerged as the dream I passionately pursue.

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Forntend Developer


To take a challenging role as Front End Web Developer in a highly technical company where I could utilize my skills in Web Design, Front-End Web Development, Software, and CMS/e-Commerce and use these skills in providing quality service to the company.

Learned Development


i learned web development at programmingHero. Here i started from zero sikll level though i had previous idea about html,css,js and some others programming languages. programming hero its a platform which gave me a actual guide line . i thank full to be part of programming hero.